
How Much Is 5 In 1 Electric Facial Cleansing Brush In Nigeria Currently?

How Much Is 5 In 1 Electric Face Brush Facial Cleansing Brush In Nigeria Currently?

How Much Is 5 In 1 Electric Facial Cleansing Brush In Nigeria Currently? This is a question many skincare fans and beauty product consumers in Nigeria are asking.

With the rise in popularity of facial cleansing brushes, particularly the 5 in 1 electric models, it is important to know where to find them and at what price.

This blog post aims to provide comprehensive information on the cost, features, and benefits of the 5 in 1 electric face brush facial cleansing brush available in Nigeria.

What Is a 5 In 1 Electric Facial Cleansing Brush?

A 5 in 1 electric face brush is a multi-functional skincare tool designed to offer various facial treatments. Equipped with five different brush heads, it caters to multiple skin care needs:

  • Sponge Brush Head: Ideal for gentle cleansing and makeup removal.
  • Fiber Hair Brush Head: Perfect for deep cleansing.
  • Roller Massage Head: For facial skin massage and improved blood circulation.
  • Scrubbing Brush Head: Excellent for exfoliation and removing dead skin cells.

The handheld design makes it comfortable to hold and use, while its battery-powered feature ensures portability, making it convenient for daily use and travel. The device is easy to handle with a one-button operation suitable for most people.

Key Features of the 5 In 1 Electric Face Brush

  • Five Different Brush Heads: Offers flexibility in skincare routines, from cleansing to massaging.
  • Handheld Design: Comfortable and easy to maneuver.
  • Battery Powered: Cordless and portable, ideal for use at home or on the go.
  • One Button Operation: Simple to use, suitable for most people.
  • Gentle on Skin: Designed to protect the skin, ensuring no harsh pressure is applied.

How Much Is 5 In 1 Electric Facial Cleansing Brush In Nigeria Currently?

The price of the 5 in 1 electric face brush facial cleansing brush in Nigeria varies depending on the retailer and location. Here are some of the current prices:

  • ₦ 3,960: This price is often seen in online marketplaces and some retail stores.
  • ₦ 5,000: A common price point for both online and physical stores.
  • ₦ 7,460: Typically includes additional shipping fees or sold in high-end beauty stores.

The variation in price can be attributed to factors such as the retailer's location, shipping costs, and any promotional offers available at the time of purchase.

Advantages of Using the 5 In 1 Electric Face Brush

Enhanced Cleansing

The primary benefit of the 5 in 1 electric face brush is its superior cleansing ability. The rotating or vibrating brush heads reach deep into the pores, removing dirt, oil, and makeup residues more effectively than manual cleansing.

Improved Skin Texture

Regular use of the brush, particularly the exfoliating head, can help improve skin texture by removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. This results in smoother, more radiant skin.

Better Absorption of Skincare Products

By ensuring that your skin is thoroughly cleansed, the brush enhances the absorption of subsequent skincare products like serums and moisturizers. This makes your skincare routine more effective.

Convenience and Portability

The battery-powered design makes the device highly portable. It's perfect for use at home or when traveling, ensuring you can maintain your skincare routine wherever you are.


Given its multiple functions, the 5 in 1 electric face brush is a cost-effective investment. Instead of purchasing separate devices for cleansing, exfoliating, and massaging, this all-in-one tool covers all bases.

5 In 1 Electri Face Brush Facial Cleansing Brush Details and Specifications

Material and Design

  • Material: ABS plastic, which is durable and easy to clean.
  • Color: Predominantly pink, appealing and stylish.
  • Battery: Requires 2 AA batteries (not included), ensuring the device is cordless and portable.

How to Use the 5 In 1 Electric Face Brush

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Insert Batteries: Open the battery compartment and insert two AA batteries.
  2. Choose a Brush Head: Select the brush head that suits your current need (cleansing, exfoliating, massaging).
  3. Attach the Brush Head: Secure the chosen brush head onto the main unit.
  4. Wet Your Face: Wet your face with lukewarm water and apply your favorite cleanser.
  5. Turn On the Device: Press the power button to start the device.
  6. Cleanse Your Face: Gently move the brush in circular motions over your face, avoiding the eye area.
  7. Rinse and Dry: Rinse your face with water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  8. Clean the Brush Head: Remove and rinse the brush head thoroughly, then let it air dry.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Positive Feedback

Many users praise the 5 in 1 electric face brush for its efficiency and ease of use. They highlight the noticeable improvement in their skin texture and the convenience of having multiple functions in one device.

Constructive Criticism

Some users note that the device could be improved with a rechargeable battery option instead of AA batteries. Others mention that while the device is effective, it requires gentle handling to avoid over-exfoliation.


How Much Is 5 In 1 Electric Facial Cleansing Brush In Nigeria Currently? Based on the available data, the prices go from ₦3,960 to ₦7,460, depending on where you purchase it.

This device is a valuable addition to any skincare routine, offering flexibility and convenience. Its ability to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and massage the skin makes it a cost-effective investment for those serious about maintaining healthy and glowing skin.

Frequently Asked Questions About 5 In 1 Electric Facial Cleansing Brush

1. Is the 5 in 1 electric face brush suitable for all skin types?

Yes, the 5 in 1 electric face brush is designed to be gentle on all skin types. However, it is important to choose the appropriate brush head and not apply excessive pressure during use.

2. How often should I use the 5 in 1 electric face brush?

It is recommended to use the brush 2-3 times a week for exfoliation. For daily cleansing, the soft sponge brush head can be used daily.

3. Can I use the 5 in 1 electric face brush with any cleanser?

Yes, the brush can be used with any cleanser of your choice. It is advisable to use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser to avoid irritation.

4. How do I clean and maintain the brush heads?

After each use, remove the brush head and rinse it thoroughly with warm water. Allow it to air dry completely before reattaching it to the device.

5. What should I do if my skin becomes irritated?

If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist. Ensure you are not applying too much pressure or using the device too frequently.

6. Can the 5 in 1 electric face brush help with acne?

Regular use of the brush can help keep the skin clean and clear, potentially reducing acne outbreaks. However, if you have severe acne, consult a dermatologist before use.

7. How long do the batteries last in the 5 in 1 electric face brush?

The battery life depends on the frequency of use. Typically, two AA batteries can last several weeks with regular use.

8. Is the device waterproof?

Most 5 in 1 electric face brushes are water-resistant, meaning they can be used in the shower but should not be fully submerged in water.

9. Can I use the brush on other parts of my body?

Yes, the brush can be used on other parts of the body like the neck and décolletage. However, it is primarily designed for facial use.

10. Where can I buy replacement brush heads?

Replacement brush heads are available on the same platforms where you purchase the main unit, such as online marketplaces and beauty stores.

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